6 ways to boost your immunity

May 27, 2020

The immune system is your knight guarding your overall health. It protects you against diseases and generally, it does a great job. However, it’s not an impenetrable shield that deflects all infections so sometimes it breaks. For instance, older people’s immune system gets weaker every day and it’s a normal thing.

Today I would like to introduce you to my favorite and natural ways to boost your immune system.

How do I know my immune system is weak?

  • Your Stress Level is Sky-High

  • You Always Have a Cold

  • You Have Lots of Tummy Troubles

  • Your Wounds Are Slow to Heal

  • You Have Frequent Infections

  • You Feel Tired All the Time

What should I do to improve my immunity?

Eat clean

I truly believe the best way to boost your immunity is the simplest. How our body responds depends on the food we feed it with. I know that whatever website you browse and whatever magazine you read all of the tips are the same – eat fruits and veggies so you can live long and be healthy. I am telling you, there is a reason why all of the sources sound off about it. Your daily food consumptions should include onion, garlic, spinach, broccoli, and some citrus fruits which contain a lot of Vit C - lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. The immune system is your knight guarding your overall health. It protects you against diseases and generally, it does a great job. However, it’s not an impenetrable shield that deflects all infections so sometimes it breaks. For instance, older people’s immune system gets weaker every day and it’s a normal thing. Today I would like to introduce you to my favorite and natural ways to boost your immune system.

Increase your water intake

That’s right, here is another obvious reason. I have to mention it because you can’t imagine how crucial for your body is to hydrate it! Water intake has an enormous impact on your immune system because fluids help your systems to function as best as they can. If you drink enough water throughout the day, you can be sure that the toxins are flushed out. Also, it prevents their buildup in your immune system, which could otherwise hurt your health. Also, every time you take a sip of the water, your kidney thanks you. It helps to flush away toxins and helps your digestive tract remove waste from your body. Isn’t it beautiful? Few glasses of water per day make magic in your body! I drink around 6 glasses of water per day. I found it easy to drink it at work. There is no problem for me to fill my bottle 5 times. However, when I WFH sometimes I have to force myself to go downstairs a drink 3 to 4 glasses. Anyone here experiences the same?

Keep stress under control

Bad things happen in your body when you are stressed and automatically the body produces stress hormones. You should know that your body treats stress as an emergency. It means that cortisol and adrenaline boost your energy and raise your blood sugar to help your brain in handling the extra glucose. However, it’s not as good as it looks. Cortisol suppresses the immune system. What’s very interesting, your body doesn’t see the difference between emergency stress and daily stress. It means you are under constant stress which weakens your immune system.

Have you tried meditation or yoga? If you have, you must know how helpful it is! If you haven’t, I advise you to do it. Start from 15 mins daily, then increase the amount by 5 minutes every day to experience such great benefits!

Enjoy sunshine

Do you know if you expose yourself on the sun at least 10 minutes per day, your immune system is strengthened by encouraging your body to produce a Vit. D? The appropriate amount is crucial for our health! Also, the T-cells, which fight infections are activated. So take your sunnies, call your friends and enjoy some sunshine!

Have a good quality sleep

Who doesn’t love sleeping, right? If you do I have very good news! Studies find that the strength of our immune system is directly impacted by the quality of the sleep. It was proved that even a short-term sleep loss would affect your stress levels and immune system. It happens mainly in the winter when you are more often exposed to the flu. Sleep reduces stress so your immunity is automatically strengthened. So basically if you get enough sleep, you are healthier and you help your body to protect you from diseases and infections. I don’t have any problems with sleep. An hour before, I light my favorite candle up, spray my pillow by lavender oil and put my mobile away. Also, I do my best to meditate every evening for a least 20 mins. It makes me relaxed and ready for sleep.

Move your body

I don’t understand people who claim they hate sport so they don’t move at all. There are thousands of ways to move your body, starting from stretching or walking and finishing on playing tennis or skiing. I am sure that everybody can find something for herself! It was proved that regular exercises make your heart gets stronger and can, therefore, pump more blood throughout your body. Also, your lungs are very happy because also their ability to distribute oxygen to your organs is improved. It means people who exercise build up an immune system that is more ready to eliminate bacteria that could lead to an illness, isn’t it great?

© 2021 Natalia Snopkowska